So you want to learn Japanese? Congratulations! Learning a new language can be an enriching experience, and Japanese is one of the most interesting languages to learn. 

In this article, we will explore different ways to get you started and provide a very detailed and comprehensive 12-steps guide on what you need to do to learn the language effectively. We’ll also recommend some helpful tools and resources that you can use along the way. Let’s get started!

1 – Learn the Japanese alphabet

Assuming you have zero knowledge of Japanese, the first thing you want to do is understand the reading and writing system. Compared to our English alphabet, it can appear rather complex. But no worries, this article will make things easy for you. 

Understand the concept of hiragana/katakana and kanjis

In Japanese, three different scripts are used for writing: 

  • Hiragana – example: あ
  • Katakana – example: ア
  • Kanji – example: 日

Hiragana and katakana are both phonetic scripts, meaning each character corresponds to a single sound that never changes. So basically, they work the same. However, kanji are ideographic characters, meaning each character can represent a word or concept. As a result, kanji can have multiple pronunciations, depending on the context in which they are used. 

For example, the character 水 (water) alone will be pronounced as “mizu” when it is used by itself, but it can also be pronounced as “sui” when it is combined with other characters to form compound words. Since kanji can have multiple readings, small size hiragana may be added above it to indicate the specific reading that should be used. This is called “furigana,” It is here to help you read kanjis even when you haven’t learned them yet. 

You can encounter words written in phonetic characters only like “とても” (“totemo” meaning “very”), words written with both phonetic characters and kanjis like “行きます” (“ikimasu” meaning the verb “go”), and words written only in kanji like “水曜日” (“suiyōbi” meaning “Wednesday”).

Unfortunately, there are no clear rules to know precisely when using one or the other, so you will have to learn which word is written in what way as you progressively memorize new vocabulary. 

Reading and Writing Hiragana

Hiragana is one of the first things you’ll need to learn when studying Japanese. Hiragana is a writing system that uses a syllabary, which means that each character represents a sound rather than a word. There are 46 basic hiragana characters, and they are used for writing native Japanese words that don’t have a kanji equivalent (or they have one, but it’s not used anymore). 

There are several different ways that you can go about learning hiragana. One option is to find a chart online or in a textbook and memorize the characters. This can be effective, but it can also be quite boring. More fun and interactive ways to learn hiragana are using a flashcard app like Anki or Memrise. These apps allow you to create your own flashcards and track your progress as you go. You can also find premade decks of hiragana cards online if you don’t want to make your own.

Once you’ve mastered the basic 46 hiragana characters, you can move on to learning the extended hiragana set. This part is the easiest because you only need to add a little something to the characters you already know or reduce their size to make new sounds. 

For example, once you know that the hiragana ひ is pronounced “hi,” you can start learning other possible variations using the same hiragana, such as:

  • ぴ, which is pronounced, “pi.”
  • び, which is pronounced, “bi.”
  • ひゃ, ひゅ, and ひょ, which are pronounced “hya,” “hyu,” and “hyo.”

Learning Tips: It’s easier to memorize hiragana when you associate each character with a word or a picture that reminds you of it. For example, the hiragana “め” is pronounced “me,” which translates to “eyes” in English. And it does look a bit like an eye! For more examples, we encourage you to watch this video. Prepare a notebook and pen, and start writing your first characters while listening. 

Reading and Writing Katakana

The second part of the Japanese writing system is katakana. Like hiragana, it’s used to write Japanese words phonetically. But whereas hiragana is used for words of Japanese origin, katakana is used primarily for foreign loanwords. That is why katakana words are easier to memorize (they mostly come from English words).

Katakana consists of 46 basic characters (the same sounds as hiragana), and there are also a few modified forms to suit the foreign words’ pronunciation. As with hiragana, each character has an approximate equivalent in the Latin alphabet. For example, the character き (ki) is written as “ki” in romaji.

You will notice that contrary to hiragana which uses round lines, and katakana are mostly made with straight, hard strokes. Here are a few examples of words written in katakana:

Learning katakana may seem like a lot of work at first, but it’s not that bad once you get started. And once you know both hiragana and katakana, you’ll be well on your way to being able to read and write Japanese!

Learning Tips: Like hiragana, it’s easier to memorize katakana when you associate each character with a word or a picture that reminds you of it. For smooth learning, we advise you to watch this video. It is well explained and full of easy-to-memorize examples. You can also download the NHK-World hiragana and katakana charts’ PDF for free here for printing.

2 – Work on Your Pronunciation

Pronunciation in Japanese is relatively simple compared to other languages. There are only five basic vowel sounds: “a”, “i”, “u”, “e” and “o”. These vowels can be combined with consonants to form syllables like “ka” or “mi.” The only exception is the consonant “n” (written ん), which can stand alone as a syllable. 

However, there are some subtleties you need to remember. For example, it’s possible to create longer vowel sounds and doubled consonants in Japanese. If you don’t pay attention when listening or speaking, you can miss those subtle differences between words and get confused or confuse people yourself…

  • While the word “neko” means “cat,” the meaning changes if you double the consonant “k,” turning the word into “nekko” or “root” in English. 
  • While the word “ningyo” means “mermaid,” the meaning changes if you elongate the vowel “o,” turning the word into “ningyō,” or “doll” in English.

That’s why it’s essential to focus on pronunciation from the beginning. By correctly pronouncing the language from the start, you’ll be able to avoid confusion and better understand native speakers. 

Learning tips: To help you get started, we advise you to do four things. 

  • Listen to native Japanese as much as possible and mimic their pronunciation. (We will give you listening resources later on in this article)
  • Use a mirror when practicing to see how your mouth is forming the sounds.
  • Try to break down words into smaller pieces and focus on pronouncing each sound.
  • Repeat hiragana and simple words out loud several times until you feel confident with how they sound.

3 – Familiarize Yourself with Kanjis

Understanding On-Reading and Kun-Reading

We saw earlier that kanjis could have multiple readings. In Japanese, there are two main types of readings for kanji: on-reading (on-yomi) and kun-reading (kun-yomi). Knowing the system behind those readings will help you tremendously when it’s time to understand a character’s meaning or use it correctly in a sentence.

On-readings are based on the Chinese pronunciations of the characters, while kun-readings are native Japanese readings. Learning both readings will help you choose the correct one based on the context of the sentence. 

Generally, kun-readings are used when a kanji is alone or combined with hiragana (especially for verbs and adjectives). In contrast, on-reading is used when several kanjis are combined to form one word. Take the kanji 来 for example: 

  • 来ます (ki+masu), the verb ¨come¨, which combines the kun-reading of the kanji with hiragana. 
  • 来年 (rai+nen), a word translated as ¨next year¨ which combines the on-reading of the kanji with another kanji. 

However, there are many exceptions to this rule. Moreover, the most used kanjis can have not only 2 but 3, 4, 5, or even six different readings. The kanji ¨日¨, for instance, is one of the most common kanji and has several kun-readings (ni, nichi, jitsu) and on-readings (hi, bi, ka):

  • 日 (hi), meaning daylight or sun
  • 5日 (itsu+ka), meaning the 5th of the month
  • 日本 (ni+hon), meaning Japan
  • 日曜日 (nichi+yō+bi), meaning Sunday
  • 休日 (kyu+jitsu), meaning holiday

Learn the Most Basic Kanjis

Kanji is the third and final part of the Japanese writing system. They are Chinese characters introduced to Japan centuries ago, and there are over 2000 common kanji characters. 

Don’t let the large number of kanji intimidate you, though. While it’s true that there are quite a few to learn, you’ll only need to know a few hundred of them to be able to read and write the very basic everyday Japanese. Here are some typical kanjis you will learn at the beginning: 

  • Numbers: 一 (one), 二 (two), 三 (three), 四 (four)…
  • Location: 右 (right), 左 (left), 中 (middle), 上 (up), 下 (down)… 
  • Nature: 雨 (rain), 木 (tree), 川 (river), 山 (mountain), 花 (flower)…

Learning tips: We recommend you first learn the kanji for the JLPT level N5. The JLPT is an international standardized exam that evaluates a person’s proficiency in the Japanese language, and the N5 is the level for beginners. 

Even if it seems like a lot, try to learn each kanji with one word of vocabulary for each pronunciation. You will find all the JLPT N5 kanji with pronunciation and a list of examples here. Just take your time and learn one or two kanjis a day. One great application to learning how to read and write kanji is Obenkyo. It offers the kanji list for all JLPT levels with quizzes so you can practice every day wherever you are. 

4 – Memorize Everyday Key-Phrases

When starting to learn any language, it’s essential to begin with short key phrases that you can use in everyday conversation. This will help get a feel for the language. Once you have mastered those basic key phrases, you can start to learn more about Japanese grammar and increase your vocabulary. With a bit of practice, you’ll be able to hold a conversation in no time! Some essential phrases to start with include: 

  • Greetings/politeness: hello, goodbye, how are you, thank you, sorry, please
  • Introducing yourself: nice to meet you, my name is, what’s your name? 
  • Simple questions: What is it? What time is it? How much is this? How do you say ¨…¨?
  • Answering questions: yes, no, I don’t know, I don’t understand, can you repeat, please.

Learning tips: You can start by watching this 50 Phrases Every Japanese Beginner Must-Know video. They are pretty short, so you should be able to memorize them very quickly! Repeat each sentence out loud and write them down for later practice. 

5 – Listen to Short Japanese Conversations

Now that you know how to read basic Japanese, it’s time to listen to the language. If you already have a classic Japanese textbook such as “minna no nihongo” or “genki,” you can use the CD that comes with it and start listening while following the book’s lessons.

If you are more into videos, one great way to get started is by listening to short conversations on sites like News in Slow Japanese, JapanesePod101, or NHK World Japan. These sites have great resources to help you get started on your listening journey.

NHK World Japan’s lessons are incredibly well detailed and easy to understand. The site offers 48 different short conversations with videos, English and Japanese subtitles, a written script, and a list of the vocabulary used during the conversation with translation. So, put on your headphones and start listening!

Learning tips: Write down every new word you hear and add it to your growing vocabulary list. You can use it to create flashcards and other learning tools later. 

6 – Build Your Core Vocabulary Little by Little

You familiarized yourself with the Japanese alphabet, the language sounds, and elementary conversations. But to be able to express yourself properly and hold more advanced discussions, you will need more vocabulary! 

Learning new words is always challenging, no matter what language you’re studying. And unfortunately, there’s no single silver bullet that will magically make the process easy. However, some techniques can help you to learn Japanese vocabulary more effectively. Here are two of them:

  • Flashcards: Every time you come across a new word, write it down in your vocabulary list, which you will use to create flashcards. Write the Japanese word on one side of the card and the English translation and Japanese pronunciation on the other. Then test yourself by trying to recall the word’s meaning without looking at the English side. Regular review will help to keep the terms fresh in your memory. Don’t hesitate to customize your flash card with images or notes to yourself! The more personal, the better. 
  • Using words every day: It sounds obvious, but one of the best ways to remember a word is to use it as often as possible. This could be through writing, speaking, or even listening to native speakers use the word in a conversation. The more you hear and use a word, the more likely you will remember it. This will help them stick in your memory better.

Finally, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. When you’re learning a new language, you’ll inevitably forget words or mix up expressions from time to time. The important thing is to keep practicing and expanding your vocabulary little by little every day. Over time, you’ll be surprised at how much progress you’ve made.

Learning tips: If you are unsure where to find your new vocabulary, good old Wikipedia and its 1000 Japanese basic words is a good start. And if you have no time to make paper flashcards, know that you can use applications such as Quizlet or Renshuu to either use premade cards or create your own. 

7 – Start Learning Grammar

You know how to pronounce Japanese words correctly, and you memorized some key sentences and helpful vocabulary. Now, it’s time to go to the next step: connect all those words and form sentences that make sense. Yes, we’re talking about grammar! 

Japanese grammar can be confusing and challenging to wrap your head around at first. But don’t worry, it gets easier with time and practice. There are two major grammar points in Japanese you need to master before all:

  • How to correctly link words with particles
  • How to use verbs and their multiple forms

Japanese Particles

In Japanese, particles are small words that indicate relations between nouns and other parts of the sentence. They are crucial for connecting words and creating sentences. There are many different types of particles, such as は (wa), を (wo), か (ka), etc. Here are some examples of the most used ones: 

  • The particle は is used to mark the topic of a sentence. The topic is the noun you want to focus on or the information you want to communicate. If I wanted to say “I like dogs,” I would say 犬は好きです。(Inu wa suki desu.) Here, 犬 (“dog”) is the sentence’s topic because it is the noun that I am focusing on.
  • The particle を is used to mark the direct object of a verb. The direct object is the noun that receives the action of the verb. For example, in the sentence “I’m going to eat dinner,” 食事食べます (shokuji wo tabemasu), 食事 (“dinner”) is the direct object because it is the noun that I am going to eat.
  • The particle に has two main uses: location and time. When used to mark a location, に indicates where something happens or where something is located. For example, 山に登ります (yama ni noborimasu) means “I’m going to climb the mountain.” Here, 山 (“mountain”) is the location where I am going to climb. When used to mark time, に indicates when something happens. For example, 朝に起きます (asa ni okimasu) means “I wake up in the morning.” In this sentence, 朝 (“morning”) is the time when I wake up.

We will not go over all the Japanese particles in this article. But I have some great resources to learn Japanese grammar on your own. Watch this video of JapanesePod101 for a quick and easy lesson on Japanese particles. 

If you want to take your time, I recommend using a textbook like “minna no nihongo” to learn each particle as you go over the various chapters. 

Various Forms of Verbs

While in English, we use various words such as “not,” “could,” “want to,” or “let’s” in combination with verbs to express ourselves, Japanese people tend to change their verbs directly. So not only will you find verbs conjugated in past or present time, but you will also encounter many other forms, each with its own purpose. Here are some examples:

  • Verb + form masen: negative form (present)
  • Verb + form masendeshita: negative form (past tense)
  • Verb + form tekudasai: to ask something (a request)
  • Verb + form ba : conditional form
  • Verb + form mashō: volitional form (let’s…)
  • Verb + form raremasu: passive form
  • Verb + form sasemasu: causative form

Remembering all the forms a verb can take and how to use them is one of the most challenging parts of the Japanese language. By the way, adjectives called “i-adjectives” can also take various forms like verbs. 

Learning tips: In Japanese, there are three types of verbs: “u-verbs,” “ru-verbs,” and “irregular verbs.” We recommend you identify the type each time you learn a new verb because it will significantly facilitate things when the time comes to conjugate it in different forms. Look at this article to learn about verb types and their possible forms. It is very detailed and gives examples of simple phrases for every form. 

In addition, check out this beginners’ guide to Japanese adjectives to understand what is an “i-adjective” or “na-adjective” and how to use them correctly. 

8 – Find Some Easy Reading

This is one of the most fun and rewarding steps in your journey of learning Japanese. But where should you start? Look no further than children’s books!

Japanese children’s books are a great way to ease into reading Japanese. They often contain furigana (small hiragana characters above the kanji to show you how to read them) and simple vocabulary. And since they’re meant for children, the stories are usually enjoyable for adults too. 

Learning tips: This website provides traditional Japanese tales, furigana above kanjis, and an English translation. Although they are not translated into English, they are straightforward to understand and touch on everyday topics. If you would like more choices in terms of stories, have a look at Tadoku’s free books. 

Once you’ve read a few children’s books, you might be ready to tackle some more challenging material. If you’re a manga fan (Japanese comics), start with something easy to read like Yotsuba, Doraemon, DBZ

9 – Watch Videos in Japanese with Subtitles

There are plenty of great shows and movies out there that can help you learn Japanese. And thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to find them. 

One great way to learn Japanese is to first watch videos with subtitles in English. Then watch the same video but with Japanese subtitles this time! This way, you can follow along with the dialogue and look up any words or phrases you don’t understand.

Learning tips: There are several ways to find Japanese videos with subtitles in various languages. You can try searching for them on YouTube, or you could use sites like Crunchyroll or platforms like Netflix, which have a large selection of anime shows with subtitles. Whatever you watch, make sure it’s something you enjoy.

10 – Make Japanese Friends 

It’s essential to find someone to talk to. One of the best ways to learn any language is to find a native speaker willing to help you practice. This is especially true for Japanese, which can be difficult for English speakers to learn. 

If you have a Japanese teacher or tutor, use each opportunity to practice your oral Japanese with them. It is the only skill you can’t easily obtain when studying alone. And if you are lucky enough to have Japanese friends, don’t hesitate to converse with them and ask them to correct you when you make a mistake. Japanese people tend to be shy and might not dare correct you, fearing being seen as rude.

If you don’t have Japanese friends, there are some ways to make them. You could join a local Japanese meetup group or look for a Japanese conversation partner online. Making friends with native Japanese speakers will not only help you learn the language but also give you a better understanding of Japanese culture.

11 – Practice your Japanese Everyday 

Research has shown that spaced repetition is one of the most effective ways to learn anything, including a new language. The best way to learn Japanese is to practice it every day. If you can only spare a few minutes, try doing something daily to keep your skills sharp.

Learning tips: One way to practice your Japanese daily is to set aside some time to study. This could be 20 minutes in the morning or an hour before bed. As long as you’re consistent, it doesn’t matter when you do it. Another way to practice is to find Japanese content you enjoy and consume daily. This could be watching a Japanese TV show, reading manga, or listening to a Japanese podcast.

12 – To go Further

Learn more Advanced Kanji

A few hundred kanjis is a good start. But if you are serious about learning Japanese, you will need more. Try to learn a few new kanji daily, and review the ones you already know regularly to avoid forgetting them. 

Check out your Japanese kanji list and follow the JLPT order from N5 (the easiest level) to N1 (the most difficult level). 

Improve your Grammar

You might have mastered the most common verb forms and Japanese particles, allowing you to have a basic conversation. That’s great!

But don’t stop here! Check out Takoboto and go through their whole list of Japanese grammar points. Then find the ones you feel will be the most useful to you and start studying! Work on your grammar to create longer and more elaborate sentences, and express your ideas the way you want. 

Go through the Japanese Forms of Speech

The standard form of Japanese is called “hyojungo” (標準語) and is the language used in books, newspapers, television, and radio. It is the most used form of speech and the first one you learn when starting to study Japanese in the classroom. But it’s not the only one!

If you want to advance to the upper Japanese level, you will also need to master two other forms of speech: 

  • Casual Japanese – It’s the way to go when speaking with friends, family, and people you know well. It’s more relaxed and less formal than other forms of the language. Sentences are typically shorter, and verbs are used in their plain form. For example, instead of using “tabemasu” (“eat” in standard polite form), you will use “taberu” (informal form). You might have already studied some plain verbs in your lessons at this point.
  • Keigo – It’s a particular polite speech used in business and other serious situations. There are two types of Keigo: sonkeigo and kenjougo. While sonkeigo is used when you talk about someone superior to you in rank or when you want to show respect to someone, kenjougo is used when you want to humble yourself. Keigo is often combined with various Japanese honorifics to make a more polite speech. If you are learning Japanese for business purposes, it might be a good idea to start learning Keigo now!

Don’t worry, though; the standard Japanese you learn at first (hyojungo) is already considered a polite form of speech, so you can continue using it until you fully master Keigo. 

Try Passing the JLPT Test

For anyone interested in learning Japanese, the JLPT test can be a valuable way to gauge your progress and identify areas where you need to focus your efforts

We talked a bit about it earlier in this article. The JLPT, or Japanese Language Proficiency Test, is an international standardized exam that evaluates a person’s ability to read, write, and understand Japanese. There are five levels of the JLPT, from N5 (the easiest) to N1 (the most difficult). If you are seeking a job or planning to study in Japan, many companies and schools will require you to take and pass a certain level of the JLPT. 

The JLPT is worth checking out if you’re serious about learning Japanese. Taking the JLPT can still be a valuable exercise even if you’re not planning to go to Japan anytime soon. It can help you measure your progress in learning Japanese and identify any weak points you need to work on. Moreover, once you have it, it never expires! Look at the official JLPT website for more information about the JLPT and where you can pass it. 

Resources and Learning Tools

No matter your learning style, many resources are available to help you learn Japanese. While some people prefer more traditional methods like attending a language school or studying from a textbook, others might find that apps or podcasts better suit their needs. Regardless of what route you decide to take, the important thing is to find a method of learning that works for you.

For people who are on a low budget, don’t fret! It is possible to learn decent Japanese while spending no money. The net is full of free learning tools and great resources!


There are a ton of different textbooks out there that Japanese language learners can use to learn Japanese. Some people prefer to use one textbook throughout their course, while others like switching things up and using multiple textbooks.

One popular textbook series is the Genki series. The Genki series is made up of two textbooks (Genki I and Genki II), a workbook, and an answer key. The textbooks are packed with information and cover many topics, making them perfect for those who want to learn everything they can about the Japanese language.

Another popular textbook series is the Minna no Nihongo series. This series consists of four books (Minna no Nihongo I, II, III, and IV), a workbook, and an answer key. The books cover grammar, vocabulary, kanji, and listening comprehension. They are perfect for those who want to learn all aspects of the Japanese language. However, note that the content is in Japanese only, so you will need to know at least hiragana and katakana before starting to use it. 


If you want to learn Japanese on your own, there are a few great apps to learn Japanese out there that can help. Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide is a fantastic resource for grammar rules, and it’s available for free on iOS and Android. For vocabulary building, we recommend the free app Obenkyo, which provides you with helpful kanji quizzes and reading and writing exercises. If you prefer using flashcards for studying, Anki is a popular option with both desktop and mobile versions.

Duolingo is another excellent free option for those who want to learn Japanese online. It’s a gamified language learning platform that makes studying fun and engaging, and it even offers courses in various languages, including Japanese.


In addition to apps, many websites offer helpful resources for learning Japanese. FluentU is an excellent site for watching authentic Japanese videos with integrated subtitles and quizzes. 

For listening practice, we recommend JapanesePod101, which offers audio and video lessons at various levels. For grammar explanations and practice exercises, try Takoboto, where you will find hundreds of Japanese grammar points (verb forms, adjectives, adverbs, particles, prepositions…) with easy examples, all classified by JLPT level.


One of the most popular ways to learn Japanese is through YouTube. You can find lessons on grammar, vocabulary, culture, and more. There are channels dedicated to teaching you the language, and they make it fun and exciting. 

The best part is that it’s free! Here are some of our favorite YouTube channels for learning Japanese:

These are just a few of the many great resources available on YouTube. So if you’re looking for a fun and easy way to learn Japanese, check out some of these channels.


Another great way to learn Japanese and reach Japanese fluency is through podcasts. You can listen to them while commuting, working out, or even just relaxing at home. And if you miss something, you can always go back and listen to it again. This makes it easy to fit learning Japanese into your busy schedule.

There are many different podcasts that you can listen to, and they’re all great for helping you learn the language. You can find podcasts focusing on grammar, conversation, or even everyday life in Japan. Here are some examples:

Japanese Movies and Animes

Watch Japanese animation or movies with English subtitles. This is a great way to get used to hearing the language spoken at a natural pace. And, you can learn new vocabulary and grammar concepts by seeing them in context. There are many great Japanese films, so try watching a few different genres to find what you like.

For an extra challenge, try watching Japanese movies without subtitles. This is a great way to force yourself to pick up on as much of the language as possible. And, it can be gratifying when you finally understand what’s happening in a scene!

Language school

One option for learning Japanese is to attend a Japanese language school. These schools typically offer classes at various levels, from complete beginner to advanced, so that you can learn at your own pace. In addition, most language schools will offer extracurricular activities like culture clubs or trips, which can be a great way to meet other Japanese language learners and practice Japanese outside the classroom.

One downside of attending a language school is that it can be expensive, especially if you plan on attending long-term. In addition, depending on your location, finding a Japanese language school nearby might not be possible.

Private Tutor

A private tutor is an excellent way to get one-on-one help with your Japanese. You can find a tutor online or through a local language school. Be sure to interview potential tutors to ensure they are qualified and have experience teaching Japanese to beginners.

Tutoring sessions typically last for an hour, and you should expect to pay around $20-$40 per hour, depending on the tutor’s experience. If you commit to regular sessions, you can expect significant progress in your Japanese skills within a few months.

A private tutor is an excellent investment if you are serious about learning Japanese. One of the benefits of having a private tutor is that they can tailor the lessons to your specific needs and learning style. They can also answer any questions you have about grammar, vocabulary, or culture.

How to Reach your Goals

Find the Learning Method that Suits You

There are many different ways to learn Japanese, and the best way is the one that works best for you. If you’re a visual learner, try using flashcards or watching Japanese movies. 

If you prefer to listen to audio, try listening to podcasts or signing up for a Japanese conversation class. And if you like to read, be sure to check out our list of recommended Japanese books.

The most important thing is to find a method you enjoy and stick with it. Learning Japanese takes time and effort, but achieving your goal is possible if you’re willing to work.

Set up Your Personal Schedule with Clear Objectives

Now that you know how you want to learn Japanese, it’s time to set up a schedule. If you can dedicate an hour daily to studying, that’s great! But if you only have a few hours per week, that’s fine too. The important thing is to be realistic about how much time you can commit to learning and set clear objectives for each study session.

For example, if your goal is to learn 500 new Japanese words in the next month, you can break that down into smaller goals like studying 20 words per day. Or, if you want to be able to hold a basic conversation in Japanese after two months, you can set goals like practicing for 20 minutes per day or going to a Japanese conversation class once per week.

By setting clear objectives, you’ll be able to track your progress and encourage yourself to keep learning. And before you know it, you’ll start speaking Japanese like a pro!

Motivate Yourself

One of the most important things when learning a new language is to stay motivated. Find why you want to learn Japanese and keep them in mind every time you study. Are you interested in Japanese culture? Do you want to be able to watch your favorite anime without subtitles? Do you have plans to travel to Japan? Whatever your reasons are, make sure to keep them in mind to help you stay on track.

Another way to stay motivated is to set small goals and celebrate when you reach them. For example, your first goal could be to learn the basic alphabet or to be able to introduce yourself in Japanese. Once you reach your goals, no matter how small they may be, take the time to celebrate your accomplishment.

If you don’t have friends who are also interested in learning Japanese, there are many online communities and forums where you can connect with other learners. You can also study with a friend or in a group. Learning with others can make the process more enjoyable. It’s also a great way to practice speaking and listening.

Those were just a few tips to help you start your Japanese learning journey. Remember to have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes – they’re part of the learning process!


Learning Japanese takes time and effort, but it is possible to achieve your goal if you have the motivation. The most important thing is to find a method of learning that works for you and stick with it. Don’t be afraid to try new things, make mistakes, and challenge yourself by trying to speak Japanese with native speakers. With perseverance, you will be able to learn Japanese.

If you have already started studying Japanese, maybe you have some personal tips for us? Let us know in the comments section below!